February 8, 2025



Paromita from BloggerDuo gives some tips to take care of your beloved skin,hair in the Monsoon season. Have a look at it..



Hey, lovelies. Today I shall discuss the most problematic season for the skin, Monsoon. We all think that winter is the challenging one but monsoon is no less because we all know that in winter our skin is always asking for proper face and body moisturization. But monsoon has harsh effects too on the skin, the main reason is sweat. This is the time when you get sweat even the absence of harsh sunshine. Humidity is the main reason for getting sweat. In this time sweat is the main villain. All our faces, hair, and feet get contacted with rainy water and chances to get infected with fungus. So we have to take special care of these portions of the body. In this blog, we will discuss how to take care of these body parts


Foot care in Monsoon:

Our feet also gets upset at this time. If your feet touch dirty water, wash your feet properly and wipe with a dry towel. Use any foot cream or you can also use some homemade DIY foot pack and feet will be better. So the monsoon doesn’t impact any harsh effect on your feet.

  • Rub sandalwood with some rosewater and put the paste on the feet thoroughly. Rest for twenty minutes, then wash off with water.
Rose water
sandal wood powder
  • Mix orange peel powder with malai, put it on the feet, after getting dried wash it off.
monsoon skin care
orange peel
monsoon skin care

Face Care in Monsoon:

Now it is the time for protecting our face. The problems which show on the skin reflects on our face. Whether there is harsh sunshine or not, we have to apply sunscreen on the face. One thing we have to consider that, which products we use in monsoon must be waterproof. In this time face can be affected by fungal infection so if we try some DIY at home, we can get a problem-free skin.

  • Mix well One teaspoon of basil leaf juice, one teaspoon of cucumber juice, one tablespoon of green tea, and two tablespoons of Multani mitti and apply it on the face for 20 minutes, after dring it, wash off with normal water.
  • Take some malai, two drops of honey, one teaspoon of sandalwood powder, peppermint oil, kaolin powder, and one teaspoon of cucumber juice mix well, apply it on the face and neck, after dring it wash it off with normal water.
peppermint oil
  • Sandalwood paste, one tablespoon of basil leaf juice, two drops of honey mix well, apply it thoroughly on face and neck .after drying it wash off with normal water.
monsoon skin care
basil leaves

Hair Care in Monsoon:

Our scalp also getting sweat like our skin and in monsoon, the scalp gets more sweaty so we have to wash our hair three times a week at this time. Do not go outside with wet hair and try to keep our hair dry. A good hair mask or conditioner and serum is required for free shiny hair.

  • Juice of basil leaves apply on your scalp, after drying it wash it off with water, it will cure any rash or infection on the scalp if any.
  • Take two teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of basil juice, a few drops of honey, mix it well apply on the scalp and massage it after some time wash it off.
monsoon skin care
Lemon Basil juice
  • Take half a ripe papaya, blend it, and take the juice, mix it well with a few drops of honey, apply on hair, wash the hair after one hour. It makes your hair shiny and bouncy.
papaya pulp


Apart from these points, eat light, non-spicy food, drink fruit juices, and lots of water. Do light make up with waterproof products, it will enhance your beauty and personality. And you will be a Confident Woman.  

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